“When you have inner peace, then you automatically succeed in what you do. The more silent you are from inside, the more powerful your thoughts and actions become.” ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

It is striking to note that here in the West ‘Peace’ of any kind – Inner Peace, Peace of mind, even World Peace – seems to elude us. We search for it everywhere and are prepared to pay handsomely for someone to give it to us whether that’s drugs, alcohol, shopping, expensive holidays etc. We will even start wars in the name of peace.

Yet, despite all the comforts and advantages of the modern world, relief from stress in the mind is the need of the hour. According to one UK survey, 74% of the UK were ‘overwhelmed or unable to cope’ at some stage in the last year. So how does meditation help us to move the dial on stress and come to a more peaceful place both internally and externally? Primarily meditation is a precise technique which allows the mind and body to take a state of deep rest while still being awake. When we calm the mind, we can listen to our body, our own needs, our own voice. This is our seat of wisdom and our bodies are wise. They know the score. However, many take their ‘wisdom’ from the latest tv or Facebook advertisement or social media. Or perhaps use these mediums as a distraction to a busy mind and stressful existence.

But such reliefs are temporary, fleeting even and most will not change you in a positive way. So how does learning to meditate create peace within and influence peace in the wider world? Here are my top 5:

1. We develop our ability to respond not react. The more we develop this skill, the less reactive we are and the more influence we have over any given situation that is presented.

2.We can still our mind. When we come to a still place within, we create a space where we can choose how we proceed. In this space we can tap into our own wisdom enabling us to take back our personal power.

3. We learn to act with awareness. The more aware we are of our ‘Self’ and the world around us, the more we step into the driving seat of our lives.

4. We spread happiness and calm. When we are happy and calm, our vibration raises. This has a positive effect on those around us.

5. We give peace a chance. If the world was a happier place, there would be less conflict on every level.

However, meditation is a practice and one that must be committed to. Every day we suffer stress, so every day we must put time aside to deal with that stress, but in time, the more we meditate, the stronger we become mentally and it becomes quicker to dilute the stresses and strains of the day or work through challenging situations with more grace.

So what are you waiting for…. Give peace a chance!

With love, light and a little Ayama magic

Nikki x